International Students
What can you study at our School of Theology?
At our School of Theology we offer a variety of degrees in Catholic Theology: Magister of Theology (Mag.-theol. as modularized theological full cycle), the Licentiate of Theology (Lic.-theol.), Doctor of Theology (Dr. theol.) and the possibility of the so called Habilitation (Dr. theol. habil.). The ‚Habilitation’ (i.e. qualification to teach at a university) involves the capacity for independent academic research and teaching in a given subject or in several subjects within the field of theology.
If you hold another university degree and if you are interested to work on a specific theological or philosophical topic we invite you to explore the possibilities in our PhD-Program.
The Vinzenz Pallotti University is a Church and Nationally recognized Graduate School formed of independent agencies; all theological degrees are both in the church and in the state legislative area.
Start of winter semester: October, 1st
Start of spring semester: April, 1st
What are the requirements, in order to get enrolled at our School of Theology as a foreign student?
To get enrolled at our School of Theology as a foreign student from a country outside of the European Union (EU), you need a residence permit for the Federal Republic of Germany.
1. Please send the following documents/ information to the School of Theology:
- Home address, Diocese, former university/ faculty;
- E-Mail contact or Fax-number;
- Curriculum vitae and 2 passport photos;
- Authenticated copies of university admission;
- Authenticated copies of previous studies and academic degrees;
- Verified proof of language tests (Latin, Greek, Hebrew), insofar as these are not included in the above requirements; if one of the three languages is missing it can be completed at the School of Theology;
- Academic degree that you seek;
- Reasons for your application to join our School of Theology;
- Expected occupational outcomes (private, for the Catholic Church);
- Planned date for the start of your studies (month, year);
- Reference from an ecclesiastical body.
2. Necessary language requirements for your admission
Proof of German language skills such as the German Language Certificate of the Standing Conference – Second Stage or an equivalent language certificate recognised by the Standing Conference.
Recognized as equivalent are:
- The testimony of the German Language Examination for Admission of Foreign Students (DSH);
- German as a foreign language for foreign applicants (TestDaF) with a result of TestDaF level 3 in all four subtests;
- The testimony of the test to determine the suitability of foreign applicants for admission to study at universities in the Federal Republic of Germany (assessment test);
- Proof of German language proficiency recognised taken through bilateral agreements or by the KMK and HRK as agreements for receiving a university degree-sufficient language proficiency;
- The great and the small German language diploma and the certificate of the Central Advanced Level Examination (ZOP) of the Goethe Institute;
The „German language test II“ of the Language and Interpreter Institute Munich.
Students for further studies (Lizentiat, Doktorat) need at least level B2.
More information on university admission are availeble at the Office of the Dean of Academic Affairs (E-Mail: studiendekan [at]
3. If the documents are fully presented, it is determined by the university whether the requierements for the application (Master, Licentiate, Doctorate, Habilitation or PhD) are met or not. If necessary, the documents will be sent to the Central Office for Foreign Education (Bonn) for further review. Please consider: If you want to earn a Doctoral Degree in Catholic Theology but only hold a Bachelor Degree in Catholic Theology you need to earn a Licentiate in Catholic Theology first before you can be enrolled in our doctoral program.
4. From your home country, you should take care of early funding of your studies at the School of Theology. Possible funding institutions are:
For fellows from Africa and Asia:
MISSIO Postfach 11 10 D – 52012 Aachen Phone +49 (2 41) 75 07 – 00 Fax +49 (2 41) 75 07 – 3 35 E-mail: info [at]
For fellows from Latin America:
ADVENIAT Postfach 10 01 52 D – 45001 Essen Fon +49 (2 01) 17 56 – 0 Fax +49 (2 01) 17 56 – 11 E-mail: info [at]
For fellows from Eastern Europe:
RENOVABIS Domberg 27 D – 85354 Freising Fon +49 (81 61) 53 09 – 0 Fax +49 (81 61) 53 09 – 11 E-mail: info [at]
General scholarships may be offered by:
ACN / ACN Postfach 1209 D – 61452 Königstein Fon +49 (61 74) 2 91 – 0 Fax +49 (61 74) 34 23; +49 (61 74) 2 91-1 95 E-mail: int.zentrale-kin [at]
The given information refer exclusively to get enrolled at our School of Theologie (Vinzenz Pallotti University). Accomodation needs to be arranged on your own responsibility. The university will be pleased to assist in finding suitable accomodation, but cannot guarantee success in your search.
Vinzenz Pallotti University
Dekanat der Theologischen Fakultät
Pallottistr. 3
D-56179 Vallendar
Tel .: +49 0261 6402-260
Fax: +49 0261 6402-300
Dean of Academic Affairs
JProf. Dr. Stefan Laurs
Tel.: +49 261 6402-260
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